Workshop on Diagnostic application of ultrasound

Satellite Symposium to the 7th Congress of the Polish Ultrasound Society organized by Polish Ultrasound Society and the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research - Polish Academy of Sciences

June 3-6, 2004, Kielce - POLAND

Symposium program is now available !


International faculty

Helmut Ermert
Lehrstuhl für Hochfrequenztechnik
Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum

Peter A. Lewin,
Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA

Frederic Patat
Laboratoire UltraSons Signaux et Instrumentation
Université-CNRS, TOURS, France

Leandre Pourcelot
Méd. Nucléaire et Ultrasons. INSERM
CHRU Bretonneau,
Université TOURS

Piero Tortoli
University of Florence
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications

Lecturers from Poland


Friday4 June 2004, 8:30-10:00
18:30-9:15Ultrasound based elastography: applications and limitations
H. Ermert (Bochum, Germany)
29:15-10:00High resolution ultrasound and biomedical application
L. Pourcelot, J.M. Grégoire, F. Ossant, F. Tranquart, L.Vaillant, F. Patat (Tours, France)
Friday4 June 2004, 12:00-13:30
112:00-12:45An overview of doppler techniques used in medical ultrasound
P. Tortoli (Florence, Italy)
212:45-13:20Extending tissue depth penetration using coded ultrasonography
A.Nowicki, J.Litniewski, W.Secomski, I.Trots (Warsaw, Poland)
Friday4 June 2004, 15:30-17:15
115:30-16:05Description of bone microstrostucture and macroscopic modelling
J.J. Telega, S.Jemioło (Warsaw, Poland)
216:05-16:40Ultrasonic micro and macro analysis of the trabecular bone
J. Litniewski, A. Nowicki (Warsaw, Poland)
316:40-17:15Estimation of hematocrit using high frequency doppler ultrasound
W. Secomski, A. Nowicki (Warsaw, Poland)

Saturday5 June 2004, 8:30-10:00
18:30-9:15Ultrasonic captors for medical imaging
F. Patat, F. Levassort, D. Certon, JP. Remenieras, G. Feuillard (Tours, France)
29:15-10:00Time delay spectrometry applications in quantitative ultrasound measurements
P. A. Lewin (Philadelphia, USA)
Saturday5 June 2004, 11:30-13:05
111:30-12:05Harmonic imaging in breast examinations
K. Szopinski (Warsaw, Poland)
212:05-12:40Application of high frequency ultrasound in dermatology
Ł. Preibisz, R.K. Mlosek (Warsaw, Poland)
312:40-13:05Factors contributing to doppler artifacts
P. Tortoli (Florence, Italy)
Saturday5 June 2004, 15:00-16:35
115:00-15:25The role of contrast agents in biomedical ultrasound
P. Tortoli (Florence, Italy)
215:25-16:00Numerical simulation of the nonlinear ultrasonic beams in liquids and biological structures
T. Kujawska, J. Wójcik (Warsaw, Poland)
316:00-16:35Effective algorithm for 3d and 4d solutions in nonlinear acoustics
J. Wójcik, P.A. Lewin, A.Nowicki, T.Kujawska,L.Filipczyński (Philadelphia, USA; Warsaw, Poland)