Steering Bodies

Executive commitee

Prof. Tomasz A. Kowalewski
Assoc. Coordinator

Dr. Tomasz Lekszycki
Assoc. Coordinator

Prof. Andrzej Nowicki
Assoc. Coordinator

Izabela Ślęczkowska (M.A.)
Assoc. Coordinator (Finances & Administration)

International Advisory Board

H. Ermert
Universität Bochum, Germany

G. A. Holzapfel
Graz University of Technology, Austria

K. Kędzior
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

P. Małdyk
Institute of Rheumatology, Poland

T. J. Pedley
Cambridge University, Great Britain

M. Riethmuller
The von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium

P. Tortolli
University of Florence, Italy